وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • السبت, 5 أكتوبر - 2024

They tried to emigrate from Jableh city... Arresting dozens of people fleeing Al-Assad hell

Local sources reported that the regime's security forces arrested 74 people in the port of the coastal city of Jableh, while they were trying to migrate by sea illegally.

The pro-regime Sham FM radio said, "The security services arrested them after they sailed for a few meters."

A local source added to Russia Today channel that "the incident dates back to two days and the presence of that large number of people in the port aroused suspicion, and indicated that most of them were young people, and it was likely that they would be released unless they were wanted."

Syrians live in regime-controlled areas, a stifling economic and living crisis, following the collapse of the economy and the exchange rate of the Syrian pound, which led to a rise in food prices and the collapse of basic sectors such as health, water, electricity and education.

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