وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • السبت, 28 سبتمبر - 2024

Drawing the Curtain on the Ocaklı Case: His Killing a Month Ago

Drawing the Curtain on the Ocaklı Case: His Killing a Month Ago

Qasioun Exclusive - Turkish authorities have announced the killing of one of the most wanted individuals on their red list in Syria, following a special intelligence operation in the city of Ayn al-Arab (Kobani).

According to "informed sources," the Turkish intelligence carried out an operation on June 12th that resulted in the neutralization of Osman Nuri Ocaklı, known by his alias "Yılmaz Bahşiş." He was one of the key figures of the banned Turkish Marxist-Leninist Communist Party and was wanted as a red category target in the Ayn al-Arab (Kobani) area, which is controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militia in northern Syria.

Ocaklı was involved in planning and executing several security operations in Turkey and Syria in collaboration with members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party and the Kurdistan Communities Union, following surveillance and planning by Turkish intelligence.

He ordered and carried out multiple operations in Turkey under the name of the Communist Party and organized several "terrorist" acts, including an attack on a prison in Bursa.

The source pointed out that the Turkish intelligence dealt a severe blow to the Communist Party by killing Ocaklı, who was one of the main candidates for the party's leadership after Zeki Yıldırım, known by his alias "Ahmet Soreş," who was killed by Turkish intelligence several months ago.

From Kandil to Syria

Ocaklı, who joined the terrorist organization at an early age, organized illegal activities in Turkey before first heading to northern Iraq and then to northern Syria.

During this period, Ocaklı, who held various administrative positions and organized the illegal movement of organization members, was active in bringing together the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party and the Kurdistan Workers' Party.

The source revealed that Osman Nuri Ocaklı had an affair with the responsible person for the houses provided by the Kurdistan Workers' Party for the protection of so-called administrators. He constantly disguised himself due to fear of Turkish intelligence operations.

It was also revealed that there were secret love affairs between him and the responsible person for the houses, which were exposed. Additionally, Uğaklı was known for his habit of drinking alcohol and consuming alcohol in the gardens of Ayn al-Arab city, a matter that received criticism within the organization due to the corruption it entailed.

The organization's cheese and hidden accounts

Controversial aspects were revealed in the killing of Osman Nuri Ocaklı, as there were questions about the secrecy of the operation and the hidden accounts related to it.

Since the incident occurred several months ago, the organization decided not to announce his death, primarily to prevent any security chaos within its ranks. Announcing his death could cause disturbances and disruptions within the organization, which could endanger him and disrupt their strategic plans.

Secondly, the organization's leaders did not want to disclose the death of Osman Nuri Ocaklıfor personal or special interests. They have plans and agendas that require his continued presence as a prominent figure within the organization, so they may have decided to keep the information about his death confidential for that purpose.