وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

With the aim of immigration, the phenomenon of selling real estate has increased in Raqqa

Local media sources revealed that the city of Raqqa and some of its affiliated areas are witnessing the phenomenon of selling real estate, borrowing and selling cars, with the aim of securing the expenses of young people’s migration towards Europe.

According to local sources, this phenomenon has increased during the recent past, with the great demand by young people in Raqqa to migrate to Europe, in light of the economic conditions and conditions and the lack of job opportunities in the city of Raqqa.

He explained that the people in Raqqa and its countryside are forced, in order to secure money for their children, to sell their real estate and property, and to resort to car offices to buy a car in return for paying its price after a year in an amount to be agreed upon. This process in Raqqa is called “dam” sale, and the car is sold directly from By lowering its price from the price at which it was purchased.

He pointed out that it has recently been noticed that the phrases and writings “house for sale fee”, “divided for sale fee”, “shop for sale fee” were written on the walls in most of the streets of Raqqa city. Traveling to Europe.

It is worth noting that the cost of migration from Raqqa to Europe is approximately $10,000, of which about 1500 smuggling fare from Raqqa to Turkey, and the remainder from Turkey towards European countries, where almost daily more than 30 young men leave the city of Raqqa towards Turkey. heading to Europe.