وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

Entry of logistical and medical equipment for the Revolutionary Guards in Deir Ezzor countryside

Local media sources revealed that a convoy of logistical and medical equipment belonging to the "Iranian Revolutionary Guards" militia entered on Friday, September 16, from Iraqi territory through smuggling crossings in the city of Albukamal.

According to the "Furat Post" website, four trucks coming from Iran carrying logistical equipment, medicines, medical equipment, spare parts for Iranian machinery and food cans, entered the city of Al-Bukamal through the "railroad" crossing in the city of Al-Bukamal, explaining that the trucks settled in the headquarters of the Revolutionary Guards near "Al-Bukamal". Badr Hospital in Al-Haggana neighborhood in the city.

The website indicated that the trucks were escorted by a military force from the "Iraqi Hezbollah" militia within Iraqi territory, while the Afghan "Fatimiyoun Brigade" militia and the "47th Regiment" took over their escort and protection within Syria, noting that these trucks were distributed to military points. Hospitals, and militias affiliated with Iran in the city.

It is worth noting that the Iranian militias are taking the city of Albukamal in the eastern Deir Ezzor as a road and crossing between Iraq and Syria with the aim of delivering support to their militia members in Syria, in addition to smuggling weapons and drugs between Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.