وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

Publications accusing the Assad regime of trying to displace the Druze from southern Syria

Unidentified persons wrote a threatening message on the walls of one of the government service buildings of the regime in the town of As-Suwayda, accusing officials of trying to displace the residents of the province by cutting off their services.

The "Suwayda Ans" page revealed a leaflet and writings on the walls of the Water Corporation in the center of the city of As-Suwayda, written by unknown persons, warning and threatening those who described them as corrupt officials inside. The institution aims to displace the population.

The source said that unknown persons sent a threatening message that they considered as a last warning to corrupt officials, with only ten days to restart the wells and pump water to all parts of the province.

The sentences were written, "No to the displacement of the Druze, your game is open, this is the first warning," while the message affixed to the wall of the institution read: "To the corrupt of the Drinking Water Establishment, you are partners in the systematic and dirty game of displacement, cutting water from the residents of the province, and disrupting irrigation wells, And depriving the land of water, and you are cutting off people's livelihood, your job puts you in a lower position and the most hated of human beings," according to the source.

It is noteworthy that the people of the eastern countryside of As-Suwayda closed a telephone center and a water desalination plant, in protest against the deteriorating conditions of services, especially water in the governorate, after the authorities provided justifications for this due to the lack of fuel.