وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

Homs: The Syrian regime is looking for thousands of people wanted for compulsory service

The northern countryside of Homs witnessed an intensive security operation by "military police" patrols with the aim of searching for conscripts for compulsory service.

And local sources indicated that yesterday, three patrols isolated the city of Rastan, set up temporary checkpoints there, and began arresting young men for marketing them for military service.

The three patrols arrested at least 17 people for their service, amid the ongoing security campaign.

Prior to that, a campaign of arrests was launched against a number of young men from the northern countryside of Homs in the city of Homs, after they were monitored, lured, and revealed the times of their entry into the city.

The northern countryside of Homs is witnessing a tense security situation and intermittent operations against security guards, informants and civilians, the last of which was in the town of Ghanto, where an armed group, using the security departments of the Syrian regime, attacked the homes of whistleblowers and contractors.