وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

Syria's response: There is an urgent need to provide heating materials to civilians in camps

The Syria Response Coordinators team warned of the urgent need to implement special projects to provide heating materials to civilians in the area, in addition to the displaced people living in camps, with the approach of winter.

According to a statement issued by the team, in which it noted to all events and organizations the following factors: More than 92% of families are unable to secure heating materials for the coming winter, last year 78% of the displaced did not receive heating supplies, specifically within the camps, during the last winter, which caused a decrease Temperatures caused the death of two girls, in addition to the death of three children and the injury of four women and five other children as a result of the fires in the camps as a result of the use of invalid heating materials.

He added that during the last winter, rainstorms and snowfalls caused damages in 611 camps, affecting 248,732 civilians, as well as destroying 3,245 tents and damaging 5,811 other tents.

61% of families in northwest Syria seek to reduce basic needs, especially food, in a desperate attempt to get heating this year.

He explained that the prices of heating materials have increased compared to last year by 250% as an average of different heating materials, noting that 79% of families have a source of income that does not exceed 50 US dollars per month, and therefore obtaining heating materials is difficult to achieve.

The team urged all humanitarian organizations and the United Nations to start preparing winter projects, and work to avoid the large funding gaps that currently exist in order to secure the necessary support for more than 1.8 million civilians in the camps.

It is worth noting that the camps for displaced people in northwestern Syria, a number of them were directly affected by more than 43% of them during the past year as a result of torrential rains, strong winds and rain, the infiltration of rain inside them, and the fragility and wear of tents.