وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

Dead and wounded in clashes between SDF and Hezbollah militia in Aleppo countryside

Media outlets confirmed that violent clashes took place between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the "Lebanese Hezbollah" militia in the northern countryside of Aleppo, which resulted in deaths and injuries.

And according to what the Al-Modon website reported, quoting local sources as saying: A dispute arose between the SDF and Hezbollah, due to an arms deal that was not paid for by SDF.

The source added that the dispute led to the outbreak of clashes between "Hezbollah" members from the towns of Nubl and Al-Zahra', and members of the "SDF" on the road between the villages of Kafin and Al-Aqiba, north of Zahra.

The source pointed out that the clashes resulted in the deaths of 4 members of the "Hezbollah" militia, as they stormed SDF military points and took control of two points in the vicinity of the two villages.

He confirmed that the "Hezbollah" militia arrested a number of "SDF" members, including the nephew of the commander-in-chief of the "SDF" Mazloum Abdi, noting that he was the supervisor of the arms deal that ignited the dispute.

It is noteworthy that clashes erupted during the last two days between the National Defense Militia and the Qatirji Militia in the city of "Al-Hasakah", during which the National Defense Militia managed to control the headquarters of the Qaterji militia.