وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

Journalist loyal to the Assad regime: The Russians took fertilizer plants from us and give fertilizer to some countries for free

A pro-regime journalist criticized Russia's control of fertilizer factories in Syria and selling them to Syrians at international prices, while providing chemical fertilizers to some countries for free.

And "Assaad Abboud", who previously held various senior editorial positions in the loyal Al-Thawra newspaper, said that he read on Russia Today's screen that the Kremlin is ready to provide chemical fertilizers to the world's poor to provide them for free, noting that no one is poorer than the Syrian people, and " The fertilizer bag has become a deterrent for any diligent farmer or peasant to plow his land.”

In an article he published on the pro-regime website Syriasteps, Abboud continued, "Honestly, I play my mouse game... They give us free fertilizer, and the receiving agencies trade with us at a great price?! Especially since the Russians have taken over the Syrian fertilizer factories, in addition to that there is no bank An agriculturalist, no agricultural association, and no one answers us...or buys on the black market.

He asked: Where is the government? "Our government is neither dead nor alive, it is waiting to fulfill its mission by killing us," he added.

It should be noted that the pro-regime newspaper, Al-Watan, confirmed earlier, through the Minister of Agriculture, "Hassan Qatana", the Iranian delegation's request to provide Syria with large quantities of nitrogenous fertilizers to save the country's agriculture and secure durable greenhouses for use in the coastal region.