وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

The National Defense Militia seizes the headquarters of the Qatirji militia in al-Hasakah

Clashes erupted during the past two days between the National Defense Militia and the Qaterji Militia in the city of "Al-Hasakah", after which the National Defense Militia took control of a headquarters belonging to the Qaterji militia.

According to the "Al-Khabour" website, the military headquarters controlled by the National Defense Militia belongs to the Qatirji Militia and is led by Aboud al-Helou, in the "Arid Habu" neighborhood, where all the weapons of its members were confiscated and expelled from it by the National Defense Militia.

He added that the leader of the group that was expelled from the headquarters, "Abboud al-Helou", traveled to the capital, Damascus, after he was summoned by the militia commander, General "Hussam al-Qaterji", with the aim of discussing and resolving the matter.

He explained that the reason behind the clashes was due to a dispute between the aforementioned militia members, over the trade and smuggling of some materials, which developed into a quarrel and then clashed with weapons.

It is worth noting that clashes erupted after midnight last Saturday between the militias of the Assad regime in the city of Hasaka, without information received about casualties on both sides.