وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

Syrian regime forces arrest leaders of the National Defense Militia in Deir Ezzor

On Saturday, September 10, a joint security patrol of the regime forces arrested a leader in the National Defense Militia, following a raid on his house, in the city of Deir ez-Zor.

According to Nahr Media, the patrol of the regime forces raided the house of the leader "Imad Al-Muhanna", who works within the National Defense Militia, and is close to the militia leader "Firas Al-Jaham", and arrested him after raiding his house in the main street in the Al-Jura / Al-Thawra neighborhood in the city of Deir perjury.

He explained that the reason for the arrest was the death of a number of detainees in the prisons of the National Defense Militia.

Earlier, the regime forces arrested last Thursday, the leader of the National Defense Militia, "Haitham Qanbar", nicknamed "Al-Khal" for the same reason.

It is worth noting that until now, the names of the deceased detainees in the prisons of the National Defense Militia or their number have not been known or revealed by the regime forces or the militias themselves.