وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

After recording injuries in Aleppo... A cholera case was detected in Lattakia

Tawfiq Hasaba, director of ambulance and emergency services in the Assad regime's Ministry of Health, revealed that there are cases diagnosed with "cholera" that are being monitored and followed up by the epidemiological surveillance teams in the Health Directorate.
He pointed out that a report was issued to clarify the symptoms of the disease and how to follow up on infected cases on the ministry's website.
He stressed that cholera is under control so far, and that it is part of the Ministry of Health's emergency plans, and that the number of infections is very limited, and that cholera cases are in two governorates, namely Aleppo and Latakia.
He pointed out that more than 700 swabs were conducted for "cholera" disease, as 15 cases were positive during the examination.
It is worth noting that the Ministry of Health in the government of the Assad regime announced yesterday, Sunday, September 11, the outcome of samples and analyzes that proved positive for “cholera” disease in Aleppo. ice cubes.