وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

Al-Maslat sends a message to the United Nations, the Security Council and the League of Arab States regarding the Syrians in Lebanon

The head of the National Coalition, Salem al-Maslat, sent a series of letters to the United Nations, the Security Council and the League of Arab States about the situation of Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

According to the National Coalition website, Al-Maslat sent a letter to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi, the President of the Security Council for the current session, French Ambassador Nicolas de Riviere, and Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Ahmed Aboul Gheit about the situation Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

Al-Maslat said: The pace of Syrians’ suffering in Lebanon is increasing due to Hezbollah’s terrorist militia’s control of various sectors and facilities in Lebanon, their intervention on the side of the Assad regime, and their involvement in war crimes and crimes against humanity committed against the Syrian people. Lebanon and other countries.

The head of the coalition explained in his letters the suffering of the Syrians in Lebanon, and above all: the deterioration of the security situation, the frequent fatal attacks, and harsh living conditions.

Al-Muslat referred to repeated statements by Lebanese politicians calling for the return of the Syrians, forcibly evacuating hundreds of refugees, and handing them over to the Assad regime to face an unknown fate.

The coalition called for urgent action, and urged the Lebanese authorities to stop any plan to deport Syrians, respect international laws that require the protection of refugees, grant them their rights, and fulfill Lebanon's obligations towards refugees accordingly and implement them with international bodies relevant to the laws.

He stressed the need to pay more attention to the situation of Syrian refugees in order to provide the necessary and adequate assistance, and to ensure a fair retrial of Syrian prisoners in Lebanese prisons, and to ensure legal support, human rights and psychological support.

Al-Maslat stressed that a radical solution in Syria requires a political solution through the full implementation of the Geneva Communiqué and Security Council resolutions, especially Resolutions 2118 and 2254 and United Nations General Assembly Resolution 67/262.

It is noteworthy that Syrian refugees in Lebanon have been subjected to racism at the hands of Lebanese, the latest of which was the killing of a detainee in Lebanon's prisons under torture, and the burning and demolition of tents belonging to the Syrians.