وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

SDF arrests university students in Raqqa with the aim of recruiting them

On Saturday, September 10, the SDF arrested a number of students at a crossing between the Assad regime in the western countryside of Raqqa, with the aim of forcibly recruiting them into its ranks.

According to the local "Al-Khabour" website, the SDF militia arrested a number of university students at the "Tabqa" city crossing in the western countryside of Raqqa, which separates the areas controlled by the SDF militias from the areas controlled by the Assad regime.

He explained that the SDF had arrested the young men on the pretext that they did not have a military service book or an academic postponement, with the aim of forcibly recruiting them into its ranks.

 The website indicated that it had obtained a number of the names of the arrested students, which are: "Dakhil Aboud Al-Dakhil, Abdul Razzaq Khalil Al Hamad, Muhammad Al Dashah, Waser Emad Kader, Firas Al Saleh, Mahdi Juma'a, Saad Al Saleh, Mansour Abdel Hai, Ayham Muhammad Shukri, and Qassem." Muhammad al-Hassan, and Musa al-Sultan.

It is worth noting that this is part of the measures taken by the SDF by declaring a state of emergency and preparing to confront Turkish threats to launch a military operation on the areas under its control in northern and eastern Syria.