وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

Iranian militias in Deir ez-Zor are moving to stop the decision to return their members to the Assad regime's army

Iranian militia leaders held a meeting during the past two days in the city of "Al-Mayadin" in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, with the aim of discussing the recent decision issued by the Assad regime to restore reconciliation elements working with Iranian militias.

According to "Nahr Media" website, among the leaders who banned the meeting, "Hajj Siraj", who is the commander of "Hezbollah's militia operations" in the city of "Al-Mayadin". The meeting was also banned by "Hajj Mahdi" and "Hajj Kamil".

He explained that the meeting resulted in the necessity of discussing the leadership of the Assad regime and trying to stop the issued decision. He pointed out that the aforementioned leaders had formed a delegation and traveled to the capital, Damascus, to meet Assad regime officials in an attempt to stop the decision to return local volunteers from Iranian militias to the Assad regime's army.

It is worth noting that the Iranian militias responded to the Assad regime’s decision to return the local Iranian militia members who volunteer in its ranks to the Assad regime’s army, but the militias began in the first stage to return those who are discord and who are not committed to their service, and some of those wanted for fleeing from the Assad regime’s army.