وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

The rate of spinsterhood in Syria is 70%, and an expert calls for a club to get acquainted and allow civil marriage

Sources in the Ministry of Social Affairs stated that there are more than 3 million single girls over the age of 30, in addition to the fact that the percentage of "single women" in Syria is close to 70%, according to local social standards.

Social researcher Maysa Addoum said in an interview with the Russian agency, Sputnik, that the high rate of celibacy in Syria has several reasons, the first of which is the great social mix caused by the war on the existence of many cultures and classes, in addition to the differences that made it difficult for girls the choice .

And she continued: In addition to the widespread ignorance and determining the age of marriage, one of the main reasons is also the refusal of a large number of girls to marry inside Syria, due to the severe economic and social deterioration.

On the proposed solutions, Addoum said: "It is very difficult to find solutions in the near future, as there are many cases and the phenomenon is spreading in society, but I suggest that in Syria there is a so-called social club, like other countries in Europe, or even the United Arab Emirates.

She stated that this club helps people who have reached an advanced age without marriage, in addition to many useful activities, adding, "Moreover, if civil marriage is allowed, this will help reduce the number of single girls."

It should be noted that lawyer Sameh Makhlouf said earlier that, according to recent studies for 2019, Syria ranks third in the Arab world after Lebanon and Iraq, where the percentage of spinsterhood has reached 65%.