وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

Two Hezbollah members working to build Iran's air defenses in Syria

Analyst Ronen Solomon of the Israeli website "Intelli Times" revealed the identities of two Hezbollah fighters suspected of helping to build Iranian air defenses in Syria.

Quoting an unidentified intelligence official, Suleiman told the Israeli newspaper "The Jerusalem Post" on September 7, that the names of the two parties are Abbas Muhammad al-Dibs, "43," and Muhammad Mahmoud al-Zalzali, "55."

The two members hail from the Lebanese regions of Nabatiyeh and Tyre and work with two members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps that Suleiman said were killed in an Israeli air strike near Damascus last March.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard confirmed the killing of two of its fighters in the Israeli attack on Syria and threatened Israel to pay the price.

It should be noted that the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards said in a statement issued on March 8 that "Colonel in the Revolutionary Guards Ehsan Karbalai and Colonel Saeed Nejad" were killed in an Israeli missile attack on the Damascus camp in Syria.