وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

Assad forces arrest young men in a raid campaign west of Damascus

On Sunday, patrols of the Military Security Directorate carried out a raid and arrest campaign targeting five young men from the town of Kanaker, west of Damascus.

And local sources reported: that military security patrols arrested the young men in raids targeting their homes in separate areas of the city.

She explained that the campaign focused on Al-Rasheed Street in the city center, in addition to the area surrounding the Kanaker Keys on the outskirts of the city.

The patrols left the city immediately after the arrest of the young men and made their way to the capital, Damascus, without news of the detainees' fate or their place of detention.

It is noteworthy that the detainees are young men no more than 22 years old, who were arrested on charges of not completing mandatory and reserve service in the regime's army. The Assad regime's intelligence continues its security campaigns against young men in the cities around Damascus, with the aim of transferring them to forced recruitment camps.