وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

Balmida fish... one person died and 19 others were poisoned in Lattakia

One person was killed and 19 others were injured in the regime-controlled city of Lattakia, after they developed an allergic reaction to eating balmida fish. According to local sources, the number of injuries increased due to high temperatures, and power outages for long periods led to fish damage.

In turn, the director of Hamza Nofal National Hospital in Lattakia, Siham Makhoul, said in a post on her Facebook page that despite repeated warnings of cases of allergic reactions to fish, about 20 patients were registered daily at the ambulance department, some of them In a dangerous health condition, up to allergic shock.

She added: "Unfortunately, the poisoning cases claimed the life of a man in his sixties, and awareness about this is still low, and she called on citizens not to buy fish before verifying its validity, no matter how low its price."

It is noteworthy that traders of fish and foodstuffs of all kinds, warned in earlier times that electrical rationing for long hours leads to food spoilage and spoilage, especially since they cannot operate generators due to the high prices of fuels and their scarcity.