وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

Gas leak causes a fire in a camp in Idlib countryside

Yesterday, Sunday, a fire broke out in a warehouse in Idlib governorate, northern Syria, due to a cooking gas leakage, and it damaged property.

Local media reported that a fire broke out yesterday in al-Mahabah camp, near Aqrabat, north of Idlib, due to a cooking gas leak

It added that the fire completely burned two tents and partially damaged three others.

The Syrian Civil Defense said that its teams are working to calm the fires to prevent their outbreak, and warned of the great dangers threatening civilians living in camps in northwest Syria, including fires and high temperatures in the summer.

In another context, the sources indicated that 11 civilians, including three women and a girl, were injured in eight recent traffic accidents in northwestern Syria.

Fires often break out in the camps in the summer, due to the high temperatures, especially among slum dwellers.

It should be noted that, in the past two days, the Civil Defense responded to two road accidents in the southern countryside of Idlib, but no casualties were reported.