وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

Robbery and thefts in the countryside of Damascus under the supervision of militias affiliated with the Fourth Division

Local media sources revealed operations and theft carried out by militias and gangs affiliated with the Fourth Division, in the town of "Sasa'" in the western countryside of Damascus, during the past two days.

The sources reported that most thefts and robberies take place during the midnight hours, when the electricity is cut off, and that these thefts have affected many shops dedicated to selling electrical and electronic parts.

The sources pointed out that the militia involved in these operations belongs to the Fourth Division led by the brother of the head of the Syrian regime, as this militia steals under the force of arms.

She pointed out that during the last Saturday and Sunday, 3 shops and two houses were stolen, and according to the testimony of some residents in the area, they saw the militia members unloading the stolen items into pickup trucks belonging to the militia itself.

The source quoted a resident of the town called "Abu Majid" as saying that his house had been robbed on the night of Saturday, September 3, after he traveled with his family to Damascus to visit one of his relatives there.

He added that when he returned the second day to his home, he discovered that his house had been stolen, so, following the incident, he filed a complaint against the aforementioned militias to the town's police station, after getting to know one of the militia's members, but the police station did not take any measures against the militia.

It is worth noting that the regime authorities and the relevant authorities record most of the theft and looting "against unknown", due to the inability to hold these militias and gangs affiliated with influential parties in the Assad regime and Iranian militias accountable.