وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

The National Coalition: The Lebanese government's plan to expel Syrian refugees is a humanitarian crime

The Syrian National Coalition stated that the Lebanese government's continuation of the plan to forcibly deport Syrian refugees from Lebanon to the Assad regime's areas of control in Syria is a prelude to a major crime that will infect the deportees because of the Assad regime's policy known to arrest, kill and torture anyone who opposes it or leaves its areas of control.

The Syrian coalition called on the United Nations, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the Arab League to take immediate measures to avoid an imminent crime that could affect large numbers of Syrians if the Lebanese government began implementing its plan.

He added that the whole world witnessed, through photos and scenes of Caesar in Al-Tadamon neighborhood and others, thousands of proofs of the way the Assad regime dealt with the Syrians, and therefore the deportees will not know this fate except this. Because the Assad regime treats asylum as a charge that requires arrest, as happened with thousands of Syrians.

The coalition pointed out that the claim that the areas under the control of the Assad regime are safe areas is false and unrealistic, because these areas cannot be safe with the presence of the Assad regime and its militias.

He added that what refutes this claim is the continued presence of millions of displaced Syrians in refugee camps and their refusal to return to their homes despite the aggravation of human suffering for fear of the Assad regime’s criminality.

 He noted that this regime is illegitimate and does not represent Syria, and its people and Syrian refugees cannot return unless the Assad regime is held accountable and a political transition is achieved in accordance with Security Council Resolution 2254.

It is noteworthy that "Human Rights Watch" said earlier that "any forcible return of Syrian refugees amounts to a violation of Lebanon's obligations not to forcibly return people to countries where they face a clear risk of torture or other persecution."