وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

The Autonomous Administration announces the arrest of 14 members in Al-Hasakah

The Internal Security Forces, known as the "Asayish" Autonomous Administration operating in northeastern Syria, announced the results of their operations on the tenth day of the security campaign in Al-Hol camp in Al-Hasakah countryside.

The Executive Council of the Autonomous Administration of the SDF said today, Sunday, that "Asayish forces arrested 14 members of ISIS cells, during the tenth day of the security campaign in al-Hol camp, east of al-Hasakah."

The council indicated that the security forces confiscated 16 cellular phones buried underground and found 5 trenches used by the organization's members to hide them.

And the "SDF" issued a statement, yesterday, Saturday, stating that its forces had arrested members of the "ISIS" in the "Gweran" neighborhood in Hasaka, who were coordinating with cells of the organization, and they were working to promote the idea of ​​extremism and trying to attract new members to the ranks of the organization.

It is noteworthy that the Internal Security Forces, "Asayish" of the Autonomous Administration east of the Euphrates, announced late last month the launch of a security campaign inside the al-Hol camp in northeastern Syria, to hunt down sleeper cells loyal to ISIS spread in the camp and its surroundings.