وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

Autonomous Administration warns an employee to cut her salary for not attending an intellectual course in Deir Ezzor

The so-called "Self-Management" affiliated with the "SDF" has issued a warning against an employee in the health sector affiliated with it, because she did not undergo an intellectual course imposed by the QSD militia on the employees of its Autonomous Administration.

According to the "Al-Khabour" website, the administration of the SDF has issued a warning against the employee, "Iman Ahmed Al-Abdullah", who works as a receptionist at the "Al-Jazrat Health Center" in the Deir ez-Zor countryside, to cut her monthly salary, if she refuses to attend the intellectual course again, which is imposed by the SDF militia. .

And the SDF had previously asked its "Education Authority", through which it requested to provide it with the names of the teachers who were postponed and wanted for "the duty of self-defense" (military service).

It is worth noting that the SDF has dismissed more than 200 of its employees in Raqqa governorate, because of their refusal to join the so-called “emergency committees”, which were created as a support force for the Qed militia in anticipation of the expected Turkish military operation on the areas under SDF control.