وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

A hanged person was found in Homs

Media sources loyal to the Assad regime revealed that a person was found hanged in a shop where he works selling vegetables in the "Al-Maidan" neighborhood in Homs city, on Friday, September 2.

According to the sources, a report was received to the Mahatta Police Department that the 44-year-old called (M.S.), who is 44 years old, was found hanged in a store where he works selling vegetables in the "Al-Maidan" neighborhood last Friday, and after a patrol of the Assad regime police went to a place The incident, and the presence of the medical and judicial examination body of the place.

The sources indicated that, after a medical examination, it was found that the cause of death was suicide by hanging, and that there was no criminal evidence of the accident, and that the body had been transferred to Al-Basel Hospital in the "Karm Al-Lawz" neighborhood in Homs, in order to hand it over to his relatives.

It is worth noting that the areas under the control of the Assad regime are witnessing difficult and economic living conditions due to the lack of job opportunities, high prices and poor services. Earlier, a 52-year-old person committed suicide by throwing himself off the “Al-Rastan Bridge” on the Homs-Hama road. .