وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الخميس, 10 أكتوبر - 2024

Russia distributes expired foodstuffs in the countryside of As-Suwayda

The people of the town of Arya were surprised to see the expired foodstuffs distributed by the Russian forces in the town two days ago.

As Suwayda 24 news agency said, last Thursday, the Russian forces distributed nearly 1,000 food baskets to the people of churches in the town of Ar, in the western countryside of As-Suwayda.

One of the families told the source that bought the food basket that it contained limited quantities of rice, flour and canned foods along with condensed milk and by translating the words on the package into Russian, it was found that the condensed milk had passed its expiration date about a month ago.

Pictures of cans of condensed milk dispersed by Russian forces spread on Facebook groups in the town of Ar, and it was found that the date of manufacture expired a month ago.

Residents of the city warned those who buy this product not to feed their children with it for the time being.

It is noteworthy that the Russian forces distribute food aid to the provinces they control in Syria, and Russian and Syrian relief agencies often obtain it, under the supervision of the Russian army, to distribute it as part of a targeted policy to win the sympathy of the Syrians.