وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الجمعة, 11 أكتوبر - 2024

The second in less than 48 hours...a helicopter of the Syrian regime crashed in Hama and its crew was killed (photos)

  Three officers were killed this morning, Sunday, when a helicopter belonging to the regime forces crashed in the city of Hama in central Syria.

Qasioun TV reporter, quoting a resident of the Al-Arbaeen neighborhood in Hama, said that they woke up this morning to the sound of a huge explosion, which appeared to be caused by the fall of a regime helicopter on top of a house near the Arbaeen roundabout.

The source added that the crash of the helicopter led to its crash and ignition, killing its crew of three officers, in addition to the demolition of the house on which it fell.

The source confirmed that the helicopter took off from Hama military airport this morning, on a training mission in the eastern countryside of Hama, while the reasons for its crash, or the identity of the officers who were killed, have not yet been known.

For its part, the pro-regime "Sham FM" radio confirmed that a regime helicopter had crashed in the center of Hama, without mentioning the reasons, noting that three people from the plane's crew were killed, in addition to material damage.

It is noteworthy that a warplane of the regime forces crashed the day before yesterday in the vicinity of the town of Al-Khalidiya, northeast of As-Suwayda Governorate, in southern Syria, due to a technical malfunction, while the pilot survived after jumping by parachute, and was taken to the National Hospital as a result of his injuries.