وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الجمعة, 11 أكتوبر - 2024

Ilham Ahmed confirms that the reason for the continuation of the crisis is the interference of external parties

Elham Ahmed, head of the executive branch of the Syrian Democratic Council, said that "interference of international parties in Syrian affairs is the reason for the continuation of the crisis and will not contribute to ending the war in the country."

Ilham Ahmed explained that the solution to the crisis in Syria did not come from outside, and that the national political forces in the country should work to develop this solution, noting that the consultative meetings between the forces that believe in a political solution are a political solution and an opportunity to crystallize a unified political position on the need to end the war.

The head of the executive branch of the Syrian Democratic Forces announced that if the Syrians agree to a unified position in which the political forces decide the solution mechanism, they can impose a political solution on the international community.

It is noteworthy that these statements came during a speech by the head of the executive body of the commission at the Raqqa consultative forum hosted by the "Preparatory Committee for the Conference of Democratic Forces and Personalities."