وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الجمعة, 11 أكتوبر - 2024

The National Coalition, Pedersen's briefing in Geneva, is biased towards the Assad regime and identifies with the Russian vision

The Syrian National Coalition stated that what was stated in the briefing of the UN envoy, "Jer Pedersen" in "Geneva", is a clear bias towards the Assad regime and an identification with the Russian vision.

The political body of the Syrian National Coalition held its periodic meeting on Wednesday and Thursday, where it listened to the reports of offices, departments and committees, and also discussed the briefing given by the UN envoy to Syria, "Gir Pedersen" on Monday, August 29.

On the briefing of the UN envoy, "Gir Pedersen" in Geneva, the political body of the National Coalition considered this a bias in favor of the Assad regime, and the coordinator of the Office of Studies and Documents, "Firas Masri", presented a report on that briefing.

Al-Masry stressed that this briefing included a clear bias towards the Assad regime and in alignment with the Russian vision, in addition to deviating from the context of its main mission assigned to it, by presenting ideas away from international resolutions related to the Syrian issue, foremost of which are Resolutions 2118 and 2254.

In another context, the Vice-President of the coalition, "Abdul Ahad Astifou," briefed during the meeting on the ongoing preparations to visit the United States of America, coinciding with the convening of the United Nations General Assembly.

Abdul Hakim Bashar, Vice President of the Coalition, spoke about the visits he made to the Syrian refugee camps in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, with the aim of identifying and assessing the needs of the Syrians there. , which is represented by the National Coalition through the Kurdish National Council as an authentic Syrian component.

It is worth noting that last Wednesday, the meetings held by the "Syrian Negotiating Committee" with international delegations representing the "Friends of the Syrian People" group concluded in Geneva. The final statement emphasized the need to reach a political solution in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2254, and support the Constitutional Committee.