وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الجمعة, 11 أكتوبر - 2024

Because of unemployment, university graduates work cleaning homes in Assad's areas

Loyal media sources indicated that a large number of graduate students in al-Assad areas had to work as house cleaners because of unemployment.

The loyalist newspaper Al-Watan said: "A number of university graduates were forced to work "washing drawers and cleaning houses" in exchange for sums that would help them meet the needs of their families.

She pointed out that "the difficult financial conditions, the lack of good job opportunities, and the increasing unemployment in the areas of the Syrian regime pushed young people to work in all fields."

She added that "the Syrian regime is unable to secure job opportunities commensurate with their skills and university degrees."

It should be noted that the official in charge of the Department of Family and Population Affairs in the Assad regime, "Wadah Rakad", previously mentioned that the unemployment rate among young people is increasing significantly, as it exceeded 40% among men, while it for women rose, reaching about 60%, indicating that the market Work in Syria suffers from an imbalance, the most important of which is the imbalance between the sexes, and the inequality in economic participation between men and women.