وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الجمعة, 11 أكتوبر - 2024

The Assad regime threatens to storm the town of Jassem in Daraa after bringing in military reinforcements

The regime forces sent military reinforcements to the vicinity of the town of Jassim in the northern countryside of Daraa, and set up a new military point in the area, in addition to strengthening the military checkpoints that were previously located.

According to the "Ahrar Houran" group, Assad's forces deployed in the area prevented farmers from reaching their lands near the new deployment sites, and also prevented farmers from leaving agricultural lands.

The sources said that Assad's forces penetrated the "Al-Sira" area, north of Jassim, and some farms west of the city, and conducted a full inspection before its deployment, in which small "Phantom" drones were used to monitor around the new military site.

Ahrar Houran said that Assad's forces were also deployed on the "Jassem Simlin" road, while farmers evacuated some farms surrounding the town of Jassem at the junction of the village of Simlin.

The sources stated that members of the regime gathered at the Ar-Sahm 100 checkpoint on the Al-Alia district road, and that members of the Military Security Branch were stationed at the checkpoint with members of the Tal Al-Mohath regime, affiliated with Brigade 61.

It is worth noting that Assad’s forces moved in the area after the military security succeeded in killing the most prominent opponents of the regime and its Iranian ally in the city of Tafas, in a series of assassinations targeting the city’s first leaders, according to the same source.