وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الجمعة, 11 أكتوبر - 2024

A girl was killed in the town of Zakia, west of Damascus, by a member of the Fourth Division

On Monday, August 29, a girl from the town of "Zakia" in the western countryside of Damascus was shot dead by a member of the local militia of the Fourth Division.

According to the "Voice of the Capital" website, the 15-year-old girl, "Fayza Al-Akarna", was killed by a stray bullet fired by the so-called "Bashar Al-Fahd", who works as a volunteer in the militia of the Fourth Division of the Assad regime's army.

He explained that "Al-Fahd", who is 24 years old, had opened fire in an agricultural land on the outskirts of the town of Zakia in the western countryside of Damascus, after a dispute broke out with his father.

He added that "Al-Fahd" hit his father with a bullet in one of his feet, and another landed in the head of the girl "Akarna" while she was with her father in the same land where the officer shot.

He indicated that a number of families treated the little girl "Akarna" to the "Al-Amani" hospital, which is located in the neighboring city of "Al-Kiswa", but the girl died before arriving at the hospital.

He pointed out that the killer fled outside the town immediately after the shooting, and that a patrol of the "Zakia" police department came to the area after the girl was rescued, with the aim of organizing a criminal arrest.

It is worth noting that in a previous incident, the young man "Mazen al-Sheikh", who hails from the same town, "Zakia", was killed by his brother by firing several bullets from a military rifle, due to differences between them over the sharing of inheritance and the sharing of agricultural land.