وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الجمعة, 11 أكتوبر - 2024

In response to UNICEF's statement...The head of the Rukban camp council denies the entry of any aid

The head of the local council of al-Rukban camp denied the entry of any humanitarian aid from the United Nations Children's Fund "UNICEF", especially water, explaining that "the camp residents are forced to use untreated saline water because of the lack of it provided by UNICEF."

These statements came in response to a UNICEF statement in which it said that it continues to operate the water supply system for about 7,500 displaced people in the Rukban camp through its partners in Jordan.

The head of the local Rukban council confirmed that the numbers provided by UNICEF were incorrect, stressing that if these quantities were available, the camp residents would have spared the suffering of transporting water from the wells of the Syrian Badia.

In its statement, UNICEF said that the water is subject to routine quality tests in 23 water storage facilities, to ensure acceptable Jordanian standards and those of the World Health Organization for drinking water.

Previously, the Syrian Network for Human Rights issued a distress call to stop the suffering of thousands of displaced people in the Rukban camp due to the lack of potable water.

The suffering of al-Rukban camp has increased recently, as the Assad regime's siege has been tightened, preventing it from obtaining basic necessities such as food, medicine, baby food and fuel.

The aim of tightening the blockade is to induce the remaining camp residents to emigrate, aided by a new Jordanian tightening of water supplies and water cuts, which threatens to exacerbate the situation.

It is noteworthy that amid the heat wave sweeping the region, especially in the desert areas, camp residents are talking about the failure of the "United Nations", and the betrayal of its affiliated organizations, in the matter of securing drinking water.