وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الجمعة, 11 أكتوبر - 2024

The United States: The Assad regime must immediately resume the work of the Constitutional Committee

The United States demanded the immediate resumption of the work of the Syrian Constitutional Committee, which had been suspended for months due to Russian interference.

According to the US Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations, during a session of the UN Security Council last Monday, "this council is obligated to work together to hold the Assad regime accountable for the war it fought more than ten years ago and its continuation."

"We remain concerned about unnecessary and unjustified delays in advancing the process, and that the delay is prolonging and exacerbating the suffering of the Syrian people, not their fault.

He pointed out that Russia "repeatedly informed the Security Council that the political process in Syria belongs and is managed by Syria, and we agree on this point, but Russia did not do what it wanted, on the contrary, it corrupted the Constitutional Committee."

Lavrentiev claimed that his country "lost its neutral status" and that "he saw the necessity of choosing a new place for the meetings of the Syrian Constitutional Committee instead of Geneva."

Two months ago, Alexander Lavrentiev said that the search for a new venue for the meetings of the Syrian Constitutional Committee had acquired political connotation, due to the Swiss sanctions against Russia.

He said that negotiations are still underway on this issue, noting that Russia indicated in the Nur-Sultan talks with the other guarantor countries of the "Astana" process, Turkey and Iran, its interest in transferring the location of the negotiations from Geneva.

It is noteworthy that the work of the eighth round of talks of the Syrian Constitutional Committee, which includes delegations from the opposition, the Syrian regime and civil society in Geneva, concluded without achieving any result, other than agreeing on a date for the ninth round.