وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الجمعة, 11 أكتوبر - 2024

The Syrian Network for Human Rights documents the number of victims of enforced disappearance, and Assad is responsible for the majority

The Syrian Network for Human Rights reported that at least 154,398 people, including 5,161 children and 10,159 women, are still under arrest, detention or enforced disappearance at the hands of the parties to the conflict and the controlling forces in Syria from March 2011 until August 2022.

The network indicated that among them 135,253 people were with Assad, including 3,684 children, and 8,469 women, while the remaining number was distributed to the rest of the parties by the SDF, ISIS and opposition factions.

The report stresses that the Assad regime has confronted the Syrians who participated in the demonstrations with large-scale arbitrary arrests since the early days of the Syrian revolution, and has systematically used enforced disappearance as one of the most prominent tools of repression and terrorism.

The source stated that the outcome of the forcibly disappeared in the prisons of the Assad regime publicly confirms that all the twenty legislative amnesties issued by the Assad regime since 2011 have not led to the release of detainees and forcibly disappeared persons.

She emphasized that the enforced disappearance of the regime constitutes a crime against humanity in accordance with Article 7 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

She noted that the first four years of the Syrian revolution witnessed the highest waves of enforced disappearances, and 2012 was the worst in terms of the number of enforced disappearances, followed by 2013 and 2011 in 2014.

At the conclusion of its report, the Syrian Network called on the UN Security Council and the United Nations to hold an emergency meeting to discuss this dangerous matter that threatens the fate of more than 111,000 Syrian citizens and terrifies the entire Syrian society.

It is worth noting that to this day, the Assad regime continues to carry out enforced disappearances, in clear manipulation of local and international laws, and to register part of the disappeared as dead through the civil registry departments.