وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الجمعة, 11 أكتوبر - 2024

The arrival of a Russian ship carrying stolen Ukrainian grain to the port of Tartus

Media sources revealed that a Russian ship carrying stolen grain from Ukraine has arrived to the Syrian coast to unload it at the port of Tartus.

According to the sources, the ship arrived from the Sea of ​​Azov to the shores of Tartus, carrying about 28 thousand tons of stolen Ukrainian wheat.

Sources said that the tanker was on its way to the Lebanese capital, Beirut, but changed its course and stopped near the coast of Tartous to carry out unloading operations.

It is the second ship to arrive at Tartous port this month. Its cargo was unloaded at the port in the middle of the month.

This is not the first time that Ukrainian grain stolen by Russia has reached the Assad regime, but the incident has been repeated since Russian forces took control of Ukrainian grain stores.

And the Ukrainian embassy in Beirut announced, on August 18, that "according to our information, the SV Kostantin ship is anchored in Syria, noting that" the grain on this ship was looted by the Russian occupation and illegally transported from Russia to warehouses. . regions".

Ukraine, one of the world's largest grain producers, accuses Russia of stealing its crops from the areas it occupies for domestic consumption or selling them abroad.