وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الجمعة, 11 أكتوبر - 2024

Dozens of injuries due to water poisoning in the eastern Qalamoun

Local sources revealed that dozens of people from the cities of "Jirod" and "Al-Rahiba" in the eastern Qalamoun, in Damascus countryside, were infected with cases of poisoning as a result of contaminated drinking water.

According to the "Voice of the Capital" website, the "Al-Qatifah" hospital in the eastern Qalamoun region received dozens of poisoned people from the two cities, as a result of contaminated drinking water.

He explained that according to the diagnosis of a doctor in the hospital, the water that reaches homes in the two cities through the main water pumping network is contaminated with "worms" and "water parasites".

He added that the people had submitted many complaints during the last period, due to the apparent contamination of the water, without any response from the municipalities and water units of the Assad regime's government, especially since the main water line feeding the two cities is the only source of drinking water in the cities of Jayroud and Al-Rahiba.

He indicated that the increase in the number of poisoning injuries due to water pollution has prompted the people to head towards the wells in the agricultural lands to secure drinking water for their homes.

It is worth noting that the towns of "Yalda and Babila" in the south of the capital, Damascus, recorded at the end of last June dozens of cases of poisoning among the people and residents of the area, due to contamination of ice blocks.