وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الجمعة, 11 أكتوبر - 2024

Days after the death of several officers... the death of the head of the Military Security Branch in Tartous

Yesterday, Sunday, August 28, the media in the regime-controlled areas reported the death of a colonel from the Military Security Service, days after the killing of a number of officers in the regime forces.

According to "Ain al-Sham" for Strategic Studies and Research, Colonel "Gandhi Mahmoud Hanto" was assassinated in mysterious circumstances in Tartous yesterday.

In a related context, State Security Assistant "Shadi Ibrahim" was killed in Deir ez-Zor, after he drowned in the Euphrates River, and retired Brigadier General "Abdul Karim Dahman" was killed in Salamiyah, east of Hama.

Colonel Gandhi hails from the Masyaf area in the western Hama countryside, and he is the head of Military Intelligence in Tartus.

The percentage of military losses in the ranks of Assad’s militias, especially at the level of officers, has increased significantly in recent years and months, as the causes of death ranged between large-scale military strikes in different regions of the country, and some died under mysterious circumstances or due to illness.

Two weeks ago, Brigadier General Abdel Karim Ahmed Hassan, nicknamed "Abu Ammar", drowned in the sea, at the Officers' Club, in Tartous.