وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الجمعة, 11 أكتوبر - 2024

What is the purpose of the ongoing talks between the Assad regime, al-Qatirji and the SDF militia?

Local media sources revealed talks that took place a few days ago between the "Al-Qatirji" company and representatives of the "Assad regime" on the one hand, and officials in the Autonomous Administration of the "SDF" militia on the other.

According to field sources, these talks aim to increase the quantities of oil supply from the areas controlled by the SDF militias to the areas controlled by the Assad regime, through the "Al-Qaterji" company, with a search to reconsider the prices and ways of transporting it.

He explained that one of the meetings held by representatives of the SDF militia and representatives of the Ministry of Oil in the government of the Assad regime took place in the city of "Tabqa" in the countryside of Raqqa.

It is worth noting that there have been many rumors circulating during the last period, indicating attempts by the Assad regime to circumvent the international sanctions imposed on it and to send affiliated teams to supervise certain gas fields in Hasaka.