وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الجمعة, 11 أكتوبر - 2024

SDF announces the results of its security campaign in Al-Hol camp in Al-Hasakah countryside

The Internal Security Forces in northern and eastern Syria (Asayish), affiliated with the "SDF" militia, announced, during the third day of the security operation it launched in the al-Hol camp in the countryside of "Al-Hasakah", the arrest of dozens of people on charges of belonging to ISIS cells.

According to the Asayish media center, during the second phase, its members managed to arrest 48 people suspected of belonging to the sleeper cells of the Islamic State (ISIS).

She added that among the arrested are those on the list of dangerous wanted persons, as the detainees are subject to investigation, and the results of the investigation will be published for public opinion as soon as it is completed, as she claims.

It stated that its members had found two trenches used by the organization's elements and its sleeper cells to hide and hide.

She indicated that the number of tents that were removed during the three days since the beginning of the campaign amounted to 54 tents that were used by the organization as training places for children and holding legal courses in them, in addition to using them as courts to impose penalties, sentences, torture and killing, as she put it.

It is worth noting that the SDF militia announced during the past two days that it had started a security campaign within the "Al-Hol camp", which, according to its claim, aims to pursue ISIS cells and its affiliates in the area.