وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الجمعة, 11 أكتوبر - 2024

Palestinian families in Lebanon call on aid organizations to stop deporting them to Syria

Many Palestinian families detained in Lebanon called on humanitarian and human rights organizations to stop their deportation to Syria, for fear of the Assad regime's crimes and brutality against the returnees from Lebanon.

According to the website of the Action Group for the Palestinians in Syria, the Lebanese authorities are planning to deport four Palestinian families to Syria, after Cyprus returned them after they tried to flee by sea with several Lebanese families.

The website said that the Lebanese authorities accuse the Palestinian families of illegally entering the country through the land border with Syria, so they intend to deport them again, which activists consider to threaten their lives and expose them to arrest by the Assad regime, which considers leaving the country without a security permit a crime that requires accountability.

The "Task Force" said that the Palestinian families left last Saturday by sea to the island of Cyprus, where the authorities there returned them and deported them to Lebanon, which in turn released everyone except for these families, and intends to hand them over next Monday to the Assad regime.

The website added that irregular migration attempts from Lebanon to Europe have increased in recent years due to the collapse of the economic situation in the country and the desire of many Syrian refugees to travel to escape the tragic life they live in the camps, which makes them risk their lives to reach Cyprus, Greece and other European countries.

It is worth noting that the Lebanese coast witnessed a disaster on April 24, when a boat carrying dozens of migrants, including a large number of women and children, sank off Tripoli.