وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الجمعة, 11 أكتوبر - 2024

The arrival of an oil tanker from Iran to the port of Baniyas

Media websites loyal to the Assad regime revealed that an oil tanker arrived on Thursday, September 1 at Baniyas port, from Iran, carrying 2 million barrels of crude oil.

At a time when the local market within the Assad regime-controlled areas is still complaining of a shortage of fuel, especially diesel, despite the influx of oil supplies from Iran for nearly two months now.

Informed sources confirmed that, during the last period, large quantities of refined gasoline were imported from Iran at the expense of diesel, which led to an improvement in the movement of gasoline distribution in areas under the control of the Assad regime, whether through free sale or the smart card.

It is worth noting that the recently arrived oil tanker is carrying crude oil, with the aim of refining it into diesel and fuel, for electrical and industrial purposes, in addition to distributing the first batch of heating oil, amounting to 50 liters per family, according to the sources.