وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الجمعة, 11 أكتوبر - 2024

A Syrian immigrant begins the trial of a European agency and demands compensation of half a million dollars

Media sources revealed that a Syrian asylum seeker began pursuing an international border protection agency after forcing him to return to the sea during his migration journey.

Sources say that the Syrian, Alaa Hammoudi, has started to sue the European Border Protection Agency, Frontex, after he was forced to return to the sea on a rubber boat despite his arrival on Greek territory.

He noted that Hammoudi accompanied other people in 2020 when he arrived on the island of Samos after a trip to the White Sea, until they reached the Greek authorities to seek asylum.

The source explained that the Greek authorities transported them and loaded them on a rubber boat without an engine or navigational equipment, and left them at sea, about 22 people.

After about 17 hours at sea, the current brought them back to the Greek coast. Then, instead of helping the migrants, a Greek boat took a zigzag path causing the migrants' boat to sink and frightening them to the Turkish coast guard. The guard later intervened and rescued them.

Hamoudi Al-Suri confirmed that a private reconnaissance plane working for Frontex Agency flew over the boat twice without their help.

The source explained that the Syrian immigrant is demanding compensation estimated at 500,000 euros for various violations, including the right to life and asylum.

Interestingly, Western reports confirmed that Frontex was aware of the illegal returns and brutal treatment of migrants at the Greek-Turkish border by the Greek authorities.