وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الاثنين, 14 أكتوبر - 2024

Russia is sending new military reinforcements from the Fifth Corps to the southeast of Al-Raqqa

 Local sources confirmed arrival Russian and Fifth Corps military reinforcements, for the first time in three months, to a base previously established by Russia in the southeastern Al-Raqqa countryside, days after the Iranian-backed "47th Regiment" arrived in the desert of Maadan city, close to the Russian base.

 And the Syria TV website quoted its sources as saying that "120 members of the Fifth Corps arrived, this morning, Sunday, accompanied by nine military vehicles carrying members of the Russian military police, and four trucks carrying logistical and military materials."

The sources added, "The reinforcements arrived at the Russian base located on the administrative borders between Al-Raqqa and Deir Ezzor, specifically between old Ma'dan and New Ma'dan, under air protection from three Russian military helicopters that took off from Deir Ezzor military airport."

The sources indicated that the arrival of these reinforcements, after a three-month hiatus, came two days after the arrival of groups affiliated with the "47th Regiment" backed by the Iranian "Revolutionary Guard" to the southwestern Maadan desert, along with the Iraqi "Hezbollah" militia and the regime forces, with the aim of launching A broad sweep campaign against ISIS cells on Jabal al-Bishri axis, southeast of Al-Raqqa.