وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الاثنين, 14 أكتوبر - 2024

ISIS attacks sites of the regime forces at Deir Ezzor Military Airport

 News sources reported that members of "ISIS" organization attacked positions of the Syrian regime forces in vicinity of Deir Ezzor Military Airport.

 Al-Sharqiya 24 website said that a group of ISIS infiltrated a military point belonging to the Air Force Intelligence near Deir Ezzor Military Airport and clashed with its members, as clashes erupted between the two parties, ending with the withdrawal of the "organization" to the desert after two members of the regime were killed and others were wounded.

It pointed out that the region is witnessing a state of great alertness for the regime's forces, amid the military movements of these militias inside the airport and the recruitment of reinforcements to its surroundings, for fear of a possible attack by ISIS.