وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الاثنين, 14 أكتوبر - 2024

By names..killing officers and members of Al-Assad forces, including a colonel and a major

Local news sources reported killing at least 8 soldiers affiliated with al-Assad's forces and allied militias, during the last few days, as they were distributed in various Syrian regions.

According to what Sham News Network monitored, Major "Ziad Kanaan", Latakia Governorate on the Syrian coast, was killed, in addition to "Suhail Al-Hanun", from Al-Masoudia in Homs countryside, and loyal media sources spoke about the death of Colonel "Raad Khneisah", amid reports of his death following car accident.

Also, under undisclosed circumstances, Colonel "Malik Salim Asaad", from Jableh city in Latakia countryside, was killed, in addition to "Khaled Ghashim", a leader in Al-Assad militia and head of the municipality of Urm al-Kubra affiliated to the regime in the countryside of Aleppo.

In Idlib fronts, northwest of Syria, Lieutenant Ibrahim Ali Maalla was killed.

On the other hand, pages close to Al-Assad regime revealed the death of "Laith al-Barmawi" from Daraa, as a result of the recent Israeli raids on the southern region.

This was after he was hit by an explosive device in the eastern desert of Homs, and he is from Safita countryside, according to the Euphrates News Agency.