وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الاثنين, 14 أكتوبر - 2024

Opposition media: News of dismissal Nasr Hariri from the membership of the negotiating committee by a decision of the coalition

Local sources reported that the Syrian opposition coalition had removed a member of the Negotiating Committee and its former head, Nasr al-Hariri, from his representative bloc in the Syrian opposition's negotiating body.

Nidaa Post website stated that the coalition didn’t mention the reasons for the dismissal, and didn’t comment on the decision taken against Hariri.

Al-Hariri was born in Daraa city in 1977, and his name was proposed as a coordinator of the Syrian “Negotiation Committee” as a replacement for Riad Hijab, since his resignation on November 20, 2017, after it was decided to merge the positions of the head of the negotiating delegation and the general coordinator of the Supreme Committee into one position under the name of Head of the Negotiating Committee ".

Hariri served as the former head of the Syrian Negotiations Committee, and head of the delegation of the High Negotiations Committee in 2017 Geneva talks.

Source: Al-Hadath Al-Syrian - Opposition news websites