وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الاثنين, 14 أكتوبر - 2024

Unidentified persons kidnapped a SDF member from Al-Raqqa city

Unidentified persons kidnapped a member of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militia in Al- Raqqa city, northeastern Syria.

"Ain al-Furat" network reported that the kidnapping took place for the so-called "Zakin Ali", who is from "Ain al-Arab" city, near Al-Jazira Junction in Al- Raqqa city.

The network indicated that unknown persons in a closed vehicle "van" kidnapped the member.

It added that SDF's public security forces mobilized in the area to search for the perpetrators, and SDF deployed its checkpoints in Al-Jazira Junction and State Security areas, and launched a thorough search campaign for cars in search of any evidence that would lead them to the kidnapped element.

It is noteworthy that unknown persons kidnapped, during the last month, four members of "SDF" militia and employees of its affiliated institutions, in separate operations in Al- Raqqa countryside.