وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الاثنين, 14 أكتوبر - 2024

Pro-Assad media distorts Pedersen's statements

 Media loyal and supportive of Al-Assad regime in Syria, Lebanon and Russia distorted the statements of the UN envoy to Syria Geir Pedersen after his meeting with the Foreign Minister of Al-Assad regime's government, Faisal Miqdad.

This came in the news circulated by the loyal Al-Watan newspaper, the Russian Sputnik Agency, and the Lebanese Al-Mayadeen channel, after Pedersen's press conference in Damascus.

Those media outlets reported that Pedersen said he "seen in his discussions with Arab, American and European officials a possibility of opening up to Damascus," which is different from the statements made by the UN envoy.

 Returning to the official statement issued by Pedersen, he said, according to Syria TV, that there are "possibilities for a new openness to the political process in Syria."

And when he asked if "some changes towards Syria, especially on the part of the Arab countries, help in moving the political solution forward, and why?" Pedersen replied, "I think that now we must not analyze only the Arab role, but also the American, European, Turkish, Russian and Iranian position, and of course the developments in Syria as well."

 "My message is that there is now a possibility to start exploring possible ways to start moving forward in the political process, and I hope to continue these consultations in Geneva as well in the near future," he added.