وكالة قاسيون للأنباء
  • الاثنين, 14 أكتوبر - 2024

In difficult circumstances... Dozens of families live in semi-destroyed schools in Idlib

Dozens of Syrian families in Idlib governorate, northwest of the country, continue their lives inside the school buildings to which they were displaced to escape the bombing of the regime forces and its allies, amid difficult conditions with the onset of the winter season.

The attacks launched by the regime forces and its allies from the Russians and the Iranian militias led to the displacement of large numbers of civilians to the camps established on the Turkish border, which witness relative safety, while others were forced to live in schools, after their homes were demolished as a result of bombing and air strikes.

Currently, 56 Syrian families live in almost destroyed schools in Idlib region, amid difficult living conditions they face, especially with the advent of the winter season.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, the Syrian Muhanna Abdullah said that he and his family were displaced from the town of Maarat al-Numan to a school in the area.

He added that his children are always exposed to health problems due to the poor conditions in which they live.

The displaced Syrian summarizes the conditions in which he resides, along with dozens of displaced families, by saying: "We face the heat in the summer, and the cold in the winter."

For her part, the displaced Nour Hammam said that they resort to hiding among the trees, while the Russian fighters carried out their raids on the area.

She added that they only have blankets, to protect against the winter cold, "My only dream is to own a fireplace that protects my children from the cold," she added.

In May 2017, Turkey, Russia and Iran announced that they had reached an agreement to establish a "de-escalation zone" in Idlib, as part of Astana meetings related to the Syrian issue.

However, the Syrian regime forces and their supporters attack the area from time to time, despite the ceasefire agreement signed on March 5, 2020.